Welcome to the primary training site that is part of the family of CSSD/SC family of websites. Here you will be able to train virtually to become a modular instructor as well as become a certified modular user.

What Are Your Goals Today?


Become a Modular Knife or CRMIPT Instructor with these comprehensive online courses. Learn at your own pace with personal guidance from Bram Frank .


Skill is Rank has always been part of Bram’s convictions. Belts are only good for holding up pants. We now offer User Certifications for those who need recognition.


Watch training and other videos Bram has produced over the years. Videos can be accessed via a subscription membership.

Upcoming Courses

Weekly Live Training Calendar

Find a live Modular class is your area. (Due to the COVID pandemic, some of these classes may be postponed or canceled. Please confirm with the local instructor for further information.)