Disarming Certification

Disarming Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. Details All students will receive a certificate of completion they can download or print out.

Dexterity Drill User Certification

Dexterity Drill User Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. The Dexterity Drill teaches you to shift from Forward grip to Reverse grip and back utilizing indexing as well as twirling to get around barriers. All students will receive a

Modular Hubud User Certification

Modular Hubud User Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. It highly suggested that you also complete the Switch Points course, and the Close 2 Matrix for reference. Traditional Hubud was said to develop sensitivity, but in real, why would

Closed 2 Matrix User Certification

Closed 2 Matrix User Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. It is highly suggested that Decision Points and Switch Points be completed as well. Closed position is based on trapping. What GM Frank calls Closed 2 Matrix teaches how to

Stirring User Certification

Stirring User Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. It is highly suggested that you also take the Decision Points and Switch point courses for better clarity. Stirring is what can happen between a Decision Point and a Switch

Open & Closed Umbrella Certification

Open & Closed Umbrella Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. Umbrella, as opposed to a roof block, is about making sure your hand is not in front of your blade, putting yourself into a position where you could accidentally cut

5-2-4 User Certification

5-2-4 User Certification

Prerequisite Courses:  At a minimum  1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12 should be completed. It is highly suggested that all 3 core modules be completed before starting. GM Frank considers 5-2-4 a sub-core module. It is a

Biomechanical Shutdown Certification

Biomechanical Shutdown Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. Biomechanical Shutdown is about legal and responsible cutting. If you are in a self-defense situation, it is more appropriate to take a limb out of a fight, than to slice

Basic Switch Points User Certification

Basic Switch Points User Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. When you encounter an obstruction with a movement, you may have to switch direction to be able to follow through with your technique. In this course, Bram Frank will show

Decision Points User Certification

Decision Points User Certification

Prerequisite Courses: 1-4-12 and one of the other 2 core modules, either 1-2-2 or 2-3-12. Decision Points are the connecting threads between modules. For example, from a 1, you can either go low and feed a 4 or go high