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This is an online course for instructor certification in the CRMIPT. A less than lethal tool designed by Bram Frank, for Law Enforcement and Security. This course is comprised of video training and one-to-one video access with Grandmaster Bram Frank.  Once completed, you will be issued a digital certificate for Basic CRMIPT Instructor.

  • This program consists of 22 segmented videos covering 2.5 hours of pure instruction.
  • You will learn the foundations of the CRMIPT including all 5 entries, and Modular 1-4-12.
  • There will be 3 mandatory check ins during your training to make sure you are on the right track.
  • You also get 1 additional, 30 minute one-to-one video chat with Bram Frank. This can be used for Q&A, guidance, or to talk about the weather.
CRMIPT Instructor Course